Thursday 5 November 2015

Move like Egyptians!

What an incredible day year 4! I was so proud of how much energy you gave and we have learnt so much. What a fantastic way to start our topic all about the ancient Egyptians! We composed Egyptian music using rhythm, beat and pentatonic melodies and learned to belly dance, just like Egyptians!

Friday 2 October 2015

Year 4
Another busy week in year 4! This week we have looked at cameras through the decades in topic. We explored primary sources, like real historians would and discovered how the camera has changed. In Maths we have been looking at counting forwards and backwards in numbers up to 1000. I made it my business to throw the children head first into the pit of challenge, but every time they managed to climb out! In English, we have been continuing to look at poetry, we have looked at different types of poems and analysed what makes them similar and different. We have considered rhyming patterns, rhythm and free verse, as well as haikus and poems with rhyming couplets! We applied our descriptive skills that we developed last week to write different kinds of poems.
Citizens of the week this week are Khadesja and Scott.
Writer of the week is Thomas S

Speaker of the week is Jacob C

Monday 28 September 2015

Welcome to Year 4 2015-16

Well done to all the Year 4 children. They have settled in really quickly and have been working very hard.

Friday 26 September 2014

Another amazing week in year 4. We have been learning how to write Roman Numerals, it is super tricky, but once you know the rules you can figure out any number! In Maths we have been investigating numbers and working on our explanation skills. English has been full of problems! In a good way though, as we have been mapping dilemma stories! We have been thinking about what we would do in certain situations and giving reasons for our opinions. The children have worked very hard! This week’s citizens of the week are Michael and Casey for trying their best and not giving up! Speaker of the week is Alana for her excellent storytelling and Della is our writer of the week for writing an emotive letter!

Have a good weekend!

Miss McVeigh

Sunday 21 September 2014


Thank you for all your hard work helping to settle the children into Year 4 they have made a wonderful start.
Miss McVeigh

Thursday 17 April 2014

Our Mining Museum!

This half term the children opened their very own museum based on their learning about the importance of mining in Great Preston. It was a fabulous afternoon and once again, well supported by parents and relatives. The children worked so hard and there was a real buzz in the air as they discussed their areas with the grown ups.

Well done Year 4 and Year 3! Thank you also for all your encouraging comments. Makes us want to do it again!

Sunday 9 March 2014

Coal Miners for a day!

Year 4 had a fantastic trip to the National Coal Mining Museum! Our highlight was going down the pit and experiencing what it was like to work in the mines. Sally Fletcher, our workshop companion, was a little scary, but incredibly interesting.

The children learned a tremendous amount from the trip and are now fired up to continue with their topic. Well done for super behaviour - our group leader, Keith, commented on how lovely the children were and that we were welcome back anytime. Not to mine though, I hope!